
2018-07-17 15:30

在研究种族及其对学生教育机会的影响时,我在研究中发现了各种各样的观点。在研究的一方面,学生的种族被视为一种权力工具,而机会可以导致成功,然后获得权力,但前提是你是正确的种族。然后,多数种族利用学生的教育机会,否认少数民族因为种族而获得成功和权力(Brisport, 2013)。研究还表明,种族和种族仍然是当今美国社会的一个重要因素。另一方面,有研究表明,一个学生的种族不一定会影响学生的受教育机会,而是其他因素,如内部因素和文化因素,可能会阻碍学生获得充分的受教育机会(Moses, 2011)。研究还发现,学生受教育机会的多样性正在增长。到2023年,少数民族学生的数量预计会增加,并且会超过白人学生的数量(Brisport, 2013)。有趣的是,在这项研究中,在教育多样性项目中使用地点而不是种族可以帮助社会摆脱种族仇恨(Cashin, 2014)。根据我所做的关于种族如何影响教育机会的文献综述,就我所知,在研究影响教育机会的因素时,这些研究没有考虑到学生的家庭环境。为了充分理解影响当今学生受教育机会的因素,我们需要考虑的不仅仅是种族和贫困的因素。其他社会经济因素如文化价值、生活环境和社会空间实践都需要考虑。
When looking at race and how it affects educational opportunities of students I found a variety of opinions within the research. On one side of the research the race of a student is seen as a power tool and that opportunity can lead to success and success then to power, but only if you are of the right race. The majority race then uses the educational opportunities of the students to deny this attainment of success and power to the minority because of their race (Brisport, 2013). It also showed in the research that ethnicity and race continue to be a significant factor in American society today. On the other hand there is research that shows that a student’s race does not necessarily affect the student’s educational opportunities, but rather other factors such as internal and cultural factors may actually keep students from obtaining their full educational opportunities (Moses, 2011). It was also seen in the research that diversity within educational opportunities of students is growing. The number of minority students was shown to be predicted to increase and become larger than the number of white students by the year 2023 (Brisport, 2013). It was also interesting to note that within the research the use of place rather than race within diversity programs in education could help societies move past racial resentment (Cashin, 2014). Based on the reviews of the literature that I conducted on how race affects educational opportunities, to the best of my knowledge, the studies did not take into account the student’s home environment when looking at factors that affect educational opportunities. In order to fully understand the factors that affect educational opportunities of students today more needs to be considered than just the factors of race and poverty. Other socioeconomic factors such as cultural values, living environments and sociospatial practices all need to be considered.