
2018-07-01 00:43

然而,假设一本图画书可能完全过于简单,或者低估了一个孩子的潜力,可能低估了作者的价值。例如,在Rosie的《Walk》中,与主人公相比,孩子被放在了知识的高级位置。哈钦斯认为读者是无所不知的存在,而罗西却幸福地没有意识到她的追求者。这个故事的喜剧也提供了很多层面。表面上看,这是一部经典的闹剧,狐狸与耙子相撞。滑稽戏创造了瞬间的幽默,并且吸引了儿童和成人对小丑的喜爱。但这不仅仅是一场身体喜剧。结尾的台词“平安到家”既让人放松,也让人感到扫兴。这个故事是建立在紧张的基础上的,与后来华纳兄弟创作的Wile E. Coyote和Roadrunner漫画相似,其中一只饥饿的Coyote追求一只快节奏的小鸟,每一集都有越来越精心的特技,但没有任何效果。然而,这种结构似乎更适合于图画书,因为即使是翻页的动作也会驱动故事,并使故事节奏变慢。页面作为分隔符,创建简洁的小场景,帮助在高潮之前构建层。这个有趣的结构是在几个危险场景的统一中建立起来的,就像罗西一样,似乎没有意识到有任何危险。
However, to presume that a picture book may be entirely simplistic or patronise the potential of a child perhaps underestimates the author. For example, in Rosie's Walk, the child is placed in a senior position of knowledge in comparison to the protagonist. Hutchins credits the reader as the omniscient being while Rosie remains blissfully unaware of her pursuer.The comedy of this story also provides many levels. On the surface, there is the classic slapstick comedy as the fox collides with a rake. Slapstick creates the instantaneous humour and appeals to child-like love of clowning in both child and adult. But it is not simply physical comedy. The closing line “and got back home safely” creates humour out of anticlimax as well as relief. The story is tension built upon tension with the successive predicaments reminiscent of the subsequent Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner cartoons created by Warner Brothers in which a ravenous coyote pursues a fast paced bird with increasingly elaborate stunts in each episode but to no avail. However, this structure seems more suited to the picture book as even the action of turning the page drives the story and dictates a slower pace. The pages serve as a divider, creating small succinct scenes which help build the layers before the climax. The interesting structure is rooted in this unity of several dangerous scenes married with the closing line which, like Rosie, seems unaware that there was ever any danger.