
2018-02-16 16:00

反思实践、计划、行动和评价。这四个阶段以循环的方式进行(Slack 2001)。对实践的反思涉及到一个人对他或她在职业环境中需要学习或能够做的事情的认同。一个人批判性地反思自己的专业实践(Pyme管理Hoy 2010)。这将包括哪些是正确的,哪些需要改进。根据个人的职业,这可能包括在他们的专业领域中出现的某些技术和程序。计划涉及个人采取的具体行动,以了解他或她在实践阶段的反思中发现的东西。在确定了具体的重点领域之后,个人就会想出最好的方法让他/她去学习。这可能是通过个人努力或寻求专业协助,例如通过研讨会(。在这一点上,已经确定了改进的领域并获得了必要的知识。下一个阶段是行动。这包括在专业设置中实施新知识。个人获得的知识将有助于改善他们的职业生涯,在工作场所应用这些知识对CPD (Lewis and Green 1998)非常重要。如果不应用所学的知识,那么上述两个阶段将毫无用处。
reflection on practice, planning, action, and evaluation. These four stages take place in a cyclic manner (Slack 2001). Reflection on practice involves an individual's identification of what he or she needs to learn or be able to do in the professional environment. An individual critically reflects on his/her own professional practice (Pyme Administrate Hoy 2010). This will include what is being done right and what requires improvement. Depending on the individual's profession, this may include certain techniques and procedures that have come up within their area of expertise.Planning involves the specific actions that are taken by the individual to learn the things which he or she has identified in the reflection on practice stage. After the specific areas of focus have been identified, then the individual comes up with the best way for him/her to learn. This may be through personal endeavors or by seeking professional assistance e.g. through seminars (.Jummal 1999) At this point, the areas of improvement have been identified and the necessary knowledge acquired. The next stage is action. This involves the implementation of the new knowledge in a professional setting. An individual acquires knowledge that will help improve their professional lives and the application of this knowledge in the work place is important to CPD (Lewis and Green 1998). If what was learned is not applied, then the two aforementioned stages will have been for nothing.