
2017-01-26 15:35

In addition, researchers also expect that the differential nutrition inferences made by dieters versus nondieters when foods are given relatively unhealthy product names will affect the taste of the food item and, in turn, actual consumption. Although consumers generally perceive that less healthy food product are tastier than more healthy products, research also shows that taste can be self-manipulated, such that individuals alter the taste of unpleasant foods as a means of increasing the pleasure of repeated consumption. Therefore, dieters---who actively seek to avoid unhealthful foods in order to behave in line with weight loss goals---are likely to distance themselves from unhealthful foods by manipulating the taste of these items, such that they are perceived as less palatable than the healthful foods they hope to regularly consume. Accordingly, researchers expect dieters to rate food items that are assigned less healthy product names to be less tasty than do nondieters, who lack the motivation to avoid these items.
In sum, when a food is assigned an unhealthy name, we expect dieters to perceive the item as less healthful and less tasty than do nondieters. Moreover, since taste perception is a primary factor driving consumption quantity, we expect these changes in taste ratings to differentially affect consumption.
