
2018-08-12 21:09

今天,当我们听到户外休闲时,它经常与休闲或休闲活动联系在一起(Martin, Cashell, Wagstaff, & Breunig, 2006)。户外休闲活动被定义为在自然环境下(如山、湖或田野)活动的一面(Martin等人,2006)。积极地沉浸在这些户外场所可以对人们观察环境的方式产生深远的影响。它可以改变一个人对我们使用、理解和欣赏自然环境的方式的看法(Martin等人,2006)。当一个人开始使用他们的环境来娱乐,它开始只是他们使用的另一个设备,但当他们重复回到相同的地点,它可以成为一个老朋友。一个人会注意到关于环境的越来越多的细节,因为环境对他来说会变得越来越熟悉。他们对风景及其提供的一切有了更深的了解。自20世纪50年代以来,由于西方国家的繁荣和休闲时间的增加,户外娱乐越来越受欢迎(Martin等人,2006)。这也导致以前相对不为人知的地区成为流行的活动地点,这样做对一些自然地区产生了不利影响(Martin等人,2006年)。在美国,这种担忧导致了户外娱乐资源审查委员会(ORRRC)进行的第一次重大研究,该委员会评估了美国户外娱乐的状况并对其未来发展提出了建议(Martin et al, 2006)。ORRRC的这些建议导致了1963年的户外游憩法案和1965年的土地和水资源保护基金法案(Martin et al, 2006)。这些行为有助于减少人类对自然休闲区域的影响,并有助于改善这些区域的未来。我们用来娱乐的自然区域的例子有徒步旅行的小路,我们划独木舟的河流或小溪,爬山的山,甚至是踢足球或板球的开阔场地。总之,户外娱乐是人类融入自然的一个很好的方式,但我们必须接受教育,以确保我们不会破坏我们爱的地方。
Today, when we hear outdoor recreation, it is often associated with the term leisure or leisure activities (Martin, Cashell, Wagstaff, & Breunig, 2006). Outdoor recreation is defined to be an active side of leisure that transpires in a natural setting such as a mountain, lake or field (Martin et al, 2006). Being actively immersed in these outdoor locations can have a profound effect on the way people view their environment. It can change a person's perspective of the way we use, understand and appreciate the natural environment (Martin et al, 2006). As a person begins to use their environment for recreation, it starts off as just another piece of equipment for them to use, but as they return to the same spots repeatedly, it can become like an old friend. A person will notice more and more detail about the environment as it will become more familiar to them. They develop a deeper appreciation for landscape and everything it has to offer. Outdoor Recreation now has become increasingly popular since the 1950's due to the prosperity of western countries and their increase in leisure time (Martin et al, 2006). This also lead to areas that previously had been relatively unknown becoming popular activity spots and in doing so has had a detrimental effect in some natural areas (Martin et al, 2006). In America, this concern led to the first significant study done by the Outdoor Recreation Resource Review Commission (ORRRC), which was to assess the state of outdoor recreation in America and make suggestions on its future development (Martin et al, 2006). These suggestions by ORRRC have led to the Outdoor Recreation Act of 1963 and the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 (Martin et al, 2006). These acts have helped reduce the impact humans have on natural recreation areas and help improve those areas for the future. Examples of the natural areas that we use for recreation are things like hiking trails, rivers or streams that we kayak on, mountains for climbing or even an open field for a game of football or cricket. In summation outdoor recreation is a great way for humans to become more involved in nature, but we must become educated in a way that ensures us we are not doing damage to the places we love.