
2017-02-09 00:19

在这个国家的社会文化环境也是相当有吸引力的,因为事实上,一般作为一个整体在这个国家的人现在享有高可支配收入,反过来又对城市和农村地区的消费者的购买模式产生巨大的影响(Fang,2001)。大多数消费者现在花他们的西方同行一样,中国的年轻一代采用几乎相同的生活方式和他们的西方同行做(凯特奥拉& Graham,2006)。由于这个原因,化妆品公司像靴子可以捕捉需求潜力,提供最新的时尚产品和剪裁一些方面的产品,根据当地的喜好(威廉和彼得森,2002)。新产品开发和技术扩散率在该国是相当高的,大部分的目标市场,特别是那些生活在城市地区的国家(母鸡,2004)。在化妆品行业的市场参与者介绍新产品,以及引入不同的色调和颜色,以增加其现有的线。这提出了巨大的挑战,作为市场主体的创新和新产品开发是不一致的新产品开发市场的生存和电话公司不能(注意,2005)。2.1.3.environmental因素:虽然在世界上特别是在英国其他地区存在的环境问题,美国和其他欧洲国家不存在于中国,事实上该国政府已经形成了不同的法律要求组织在该国的边境以确保他们符合环保标准,降低温室气体和停止消耗臭氧(指数>,2011)。这些措施虽然新国要求组织改变他们的产品的生产和销售,在某些情况下,提高了经营成本,特别是在化妆品行业,中国有一个非常复杂的法律和大多数组织在该国经营的抱怨关于法律因素在全国普遍存在的复杂性(CIA,2011)。虽然现代化和新法律适应是国家持续,事实是反过来的过程很缓慢,具有跨国企业在中国经营的强有力的挑战


The socio-cultural environment in the country is also quite attractive due to the fact; in general as a whole people in the country now enjoy high disposable income that in turn had huge impact over the buying pattern of consumers in urban as well as rural areas (Fang, 2001). Most of the consumers now spend like their western counterparts and the young generation of the country adopts almost the same lifestyle as their Western counterparts do (Cateora & Graham, 2006). Due to this reason for cosmetic firm like Boots could capture demand potential by offering latest fashion products and tailoring some aspect of the products according to the local preferences (William & Peterson, 2002). The rate of new product development and technology diffusion in the country is quite high and most of the target market, particularly those living in the urban areas of the country (Hen, 2004). The market players in the cosmetics industry introduces new products as well as introduced different shades and colors to augment their existing line. This presents huge challenges to market players as innovation and consistent new product development is the call of market and a firm could not survive without new products development (Griffen, 2005). 2.1.3.Environmental Factors: Although the environmental concerns that exist in other parts of the world particularly in UK, USA or other European countries does not exists in China, the fact is the government of the country has formed different laws that asks organizations working in the borders of the country to ensure that they meet the environmental standards, decrease the greenhouse gases and stop the ozone depletion (Index Mundi, 2011). These measures although new in the country required organization to alter the way their products were manufactured and marketed and in some cases has raised the cost of operation, particularly in cosmetics industry China has a very complex legal and most of the organizations operating in the country are complaining regarding the complexity of legal factors prevailing in the country (CIA, 2011). Although the modernization and adaptation of new laws is continued in the country, the fact is that the process is much slower that in turn possess strong challenges to MNCs operating in the country