
2018-04-27 16:09

培训可以定义为向员工提供计划和协调的专业、技术或其他领域的教学计划,这些课程或将与员工的工作职责有关。这是根据美国综合会计办公室(2004)的说法。作者不断地接受他的雇主Debenhams安排和协调的培训;这使他能够理解和掌握他的任务,并使他们达到预期的标准。BNET Business Dictionary(2010)将培训定义为,旨在促进新的和现有技能的学习和开发,并提高特定任务或角色的性能的活动。培训可能涉及结构化程序或更多的非正式和交互式活动,如小组讨论或角色扮演,促进体验式学习。
Training can be defined as making available to employees planned and coordinated educational programmes of instruction in professional, technical or other fields that are or will be related to the employee's job responsibilities. This is according to the United States General Accounting Office (2004). The author continually undergoes training arranged and coordinated by his employer Debenhams; this has enable him understand and master his tasks and perform them to the expected standard.BNET Business Dictionary (2010) defines training as, activities designed to facilitate the learning and development of new and existing skills, and to improve the performance of specific tasks or roles. Training may involve structured programs or more informal and interactive activities such as group discussion or role playing which promote experiential learning.