
2017-10-06 21:18

I bet that it is becoming very confusing and difficult to find a clear answer to the premise question because we can accept neither the functional/practical nor the human/personal only. The functional/practical student is always thinking about studying hard in order to succeed and get high grades to find a good job whereby he can change his economic class to the better. On the other hand, power, money respect and attention are all what the human personal student is thinking about and he is ready to do anything in order to reach this goal whether by paying bribes or his father’s help; it doesn’t matter how, all it matters is to be able to reach this goal. That is why we can’t accept either. However, I have found that the combination between the functional/practical extreme and the human/personal extreme is the way to find a fairly good answer to the premise question. I am not asking low and high economic class to be friend or to even pretend to be because we all know that they will never be. However, all students should be given equal opportunities to learn and enter universities but there is something that has to be changed within ourselves; how we look at professions like a plumber or a carpenter. As long as we look to these professions as a despicable job, students won’t be interested in any of them leaving free spaces in these jobs. Students with super powers like the genies boy that we have here in AUC or even learners with high grades should be noticed from the elementary school then indicate their part of power then work on with them to improve it. In such world, competition is allowed but people have to understand that they aren’t necessarily going to gain power in an inherited field. They should also understand that even if they gained money and power, they won’t gain people’s respect because they know that this authority is not self-made. Therefore, everyone should peruse the career that he loves the career that he thinks he can make a change in and be creative. It might take longer time to prove its success but when the goal is reached, it can never be imagined.