
2017-03-06 15:48

在济贫院各地区和个人经历的生活明显不同。曼彻斯特济贫院,例如,被判在由一个独立的报告,1800年代初在布里斯托尔被认为是一个特别先进的制度。克里斯蒂(1984:103)的细节,试图提供一个明确的结论,关于工厂的徒劳。 “这是很难概括在这些场所条件的确定。报告放在一起,由Frederick Eden爵士表示一个范围广泛,从清洁、‑运行的管理不善和肮脏的。”[ 6 ] 虽然它可能是难以衡量的条件,它是计算的济贫概念的目的作为一个地方的修正更容易。事实上,穷人的法律修正案的基础行为(1834)强调对抗的感觉由统治阶级对工人阶级的数量的增加,科尔和Postgate(1992)下划线。 “1834的新贫困法是一种攻击工人阶级…出‑救济不应该,它被认为是,给能‑雄蚁;当济贫院救济了应该只在生活上救济应该比谋生之外最令人不愉快的方式更讨厌这样条款。


Life in the workhouses varied from region to region and individual experiences differed markedly. Manchester workhouse, for instance, was condemned at the beginning of the 1800’s by an independent report while Bristol was perceived as a particularly advanced institution. Christie (1984:103) details the futility of attempting to offer a definitive conclusion with regards to workhouses.“It is difficult to generalise with certainty about conditions in these establishments. The reports put together by Sir Frederick Eden indicate a wide range, from the clean and well‑run to the badly managed and squalid.Though it may be difficult to gauge conditions, it is much easier to calculate the aims of the concept of the workhouse as a place of correction. Indeed, the foundation of the Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) highlights the sense of antagonism felt by the ruling classes towards the increasing numbers of the working class, as Cole and Postgate (1992:274) underline.“The new Poor Law of 1834 was an attack upon the working class… out‑relief should never, it was considered, be given to able‑bodied males; and when workhouse relief was given it should be given only on such terms that life on relief should be more unpleasant than the most unpleasant way of earning a living outside.

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