
2017-04-22 01:22

它需要一系列复杂的国家部门的不同部门之间的关系,特别注意到经济和社会部门。这个定义的意义也很明显;Eveyline Hong指出:“阿拉木图肯定健康是一项基本人权,呼吁传统的卫生保健系统改造和广泛的跨部门合作和社区组织。声明旨在解决潜在的社会、经济和政治,疾病和疾病的原因,以及全面的医疗新闻。”[ 6 ]因此,健康作为健康推广活动需要一个计划,moblizies国家资源和活动超出了卫生部门的范围,解决本质民族国家本身。“阿拉木图宣言因此在这里提供一个新生理论的可能性,健康对à可见非卫生部门和健康的实现acknowledgemtn作为这些部门之间合并运动。Dorte Kabell描述SeaChange的阿拉木图表示:“直到十年前最努力提高世界人口的健康都集中在特定疾病的根除。只有逐渐地,卫生专家和政策制定者认识到健康不能孤立和定义在卫生部门单独。健康不良往往是贫穷的结果,广泛地定义为社会、文化和环境因素。因此,只有当这些因素被成功解决时,它才能得到缓解。”[ 7 ]因此,在这个概念的线,两个关键因素可概括为促进了阿拉木图宣言性:1)它促进了积极的作用,医疗保健2)建议医疗实现了整个国家的努力,而不仅仅是卫生部门。
 it requires a complex series of relations between different sectors of the State apparatus, specifically noting the economic and the social sectors. The significance of this definition is also apparent; As Eveyline Hong notes: “Alma-Ata affirmed health as a fundamental human right and called for a transformation of conventional health care systems and for broad intersectoral collaboration and community organizing. The declaration sought to address the underlying social, economic, and political causes of illness and disease, as well as press for comprehensive health care.”[6] Thus, the active promotion of health qua wellbeing requires an initiative that moblizies state resoucres and activities that lie beyond the scope of the health sector, addressing the essence of Nation-States themselves. The Alma Ata declaration therefore offers here a nascent theory of the possibility of health vis-à-vis non-health sectors and the acknowledgemtn of the realization of health as a movement of coalescence between these sectors. As Dorte Kabell describes the seachange signified by Alma-Ata: “Until a decade ago most efforts to improve the health of the world's populations were focused on the eradication of specific diseases. Only gradually have health specialists and policymakers recognized that health could not be isolated and defined within the health sector alone. Ill health is frequently a consequence of poverty, broadly defined to include social, cultural and environmental factors. It can therefore only be alleviated when those factors are successfully tackled. “[7] Thus, in line with this notions, two key factors may be summarized as contributing to the radicality of the Alma-Ata declaration: 1) it promoted an active role to health care 2) it suggested that the realization of health care was the effort of an entire nation, rather than just the health sector.