
2017-05-29 01:59

Whilst on my first teaching practise I witnessed this form of teaching. Admittedly this form was at first slightly confusing as to why the teacher taught this way, but after observing the lessons, I came to realise that children were a lot more engaged and willing to participate. An example of a lesson taught was that of History where children were looking at the Victorians. The teacher read the children a story and then the children went away to design Victorian dolls, which they had to design clothes for and write a story about the doll. Even though the children were designing dolls, boys were still taking part and every child came away with having learnt something of importance because of it. Broudy (1988) backs up what has been said by believing that creativity produces skills in the use of knowledge. His examples were of clay, wood and carving. But modern day examples would be, cutting, painting, sewing and weaving. Each has according to Broudy "its own purpose in accordance with the progress of the development of children's minds."Froebel (1887) in his philosophy was influenced by Rousseau and Pestalozzi. He believed that children's freedom and individuality were achieved by following the eternal law of development rather than, as Rousseau argued, by protecting them from "unnatural" society. He believed that young children learn through their senses rather than through reasoning, therefore by teaching in a creative way children will learn and understand more of what is being taught.