
2018-03-13 14:30

When the head teacher manages the educational process of its various components successfully and effectively, this reflects a successful leadership process. Therefore, the essential task of head teachers has something to do with both management and leadership. Kotter (1990) suggests that "Management is about control complexity Leadership by contrast, is about copying with change" (p.4). [3] Kotter makes a clear mark between the two, management is concerned with transactional complexity, while leadership focuses on change and transformational. In other words, effective leadership concerns with producing useful change through planning and building a vision while management does care of running the organization through organizing and provision. It can be clearly seen that both leadership and management skills are indispensible demand to reach effectiveness. For example, school heads who can lead but not manage, or who can manage but offer poor leadership, risk losing success in schools. Leadership, therefore, complements management, it does not replace it. Furthermore, Brighouse and Woods (2008) emphasize the need for both leadership and management to reach success inside our schools because management systems support leadership.