
2017-05-05 01:53

The last point is a very important program that we plan to achieve by 2015. Education for All (EFA) is a program that makes the education become compulsory for every Cambodian children, and all Cambodian children at least have to finish the basic education which grade nine in secondary high school. In order to achieve this plan, Cambodia has created many specific operational strategies. Among those strategies, I will raise two important strategies. The most important strategy for achieving the EFA is to ensure the right of all Cambodian children to complete a basic education of good quality. Children have right to education, it is absolutely true, but most of the time, some children in the countryside don't get access to that right because of their living conditions which force them to work or do housework instead of going to schools for they don't have enough money to pay for the school fee. Moreover, most of the schools in countryside don't provide good quality of the education to students because they don't have enough teachers or other resources. Thus, government plays very important roles in ensuring the children's right to education, and provides more resources to the schools in the country, in order to ensure the quality of the education. The second strategy is to eliminate gender inequality in education, in order to achieve the fifth goals of EFA, which is to eliminate gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005, and achieving gender equality in education by 2015, with a focus on ensuring girls' full and equal access to and achievement in basic education of good quality. Even though most girls in the city can fully access to the education, many girls in the countryside are hard to access to the education because in the countryside many families still think that girls' education is not important like boy for girls will become housewife when they are matured or married, so they don't need much education. Moreover, because of the family condition, some girls have to go to sell the vegetable or other things at the market, and some of them have to do the housework, so they don't have time for studying.