
2018-07-21 05:24

The formal leadership model combines mostly regulatory and directive values which seek to control the behaviour of individuals and groups. The equal opportunities and race relations legislation is enacted in many developed countries. Such values are an important part of the policy process both nationally and within organizations. Whether we accept or reject someone else's value system is not the same as denying that it is a value which shapes their actions (Study Guide p.46). This is one of the three different kinds of Gross's classified values which influence different facets of the school.  Although the ministry of Education and Culture directs schools on how to operate, each school may develop its own principles and values according to its particular needs and aims. Under the guidance of the Head Teacher certain values have been defined for my school's culture like: Equal opportunities for all children as an expression of fundamental human rights, the development of students' social skills, democratic dialogue in case of conflicts among the children, the multi-dimensional improvement of children's personality, the importance of interaction with the external environment (parents), and the practice of multiple intelligences. All the above societal values are articulated within the school serve to draw individuals into a formality.