
2019-12-21 23:37

“一些项目是高效和有效的管理和一些管理不善,产生了很多的延误和成本超支”(Frimpong, Oluwoye & Crawford, 2003)。一个成功的项目应该考虑时间、成本和范围。在1980年代,调查了大量的土耳其公共机构,以确认公共项目的资源超支。结果表明,汇率浮动、材料价格上涨、估计误差和技术技能是超支的最重要原因(Arditi, Akan & Gurdamar, 1985)。实际上,每个项目都有其特定的特点,这些特点决定了项目的时间和成本。批判性思维如下图所示。技术是造成工程造价超支或工期延误的重要因素。“在技术方面,如不完善的技术、不充分的数据、诚实的错误、预测未来的固有问题、预测者缺乏经验等”(Ascher, 1978;Flyvbjerg;莫里斯和霍夫,1987年;1990年瓦希,p.286)。作为一个实际的例子,Noulmanee和其他同事调查了泰国公路建设延误的原因。因此,主要原因是分包商不足,组织缺乏足够的资源,图纸不完整和不清晰,以及顾问和承包商之间的缺陷。此外,规划不当会导致实际成本与计划成本之间的偏差(Assaf, et al, 2006)。此外,如果设备质量较差,则会导致进度延迟。
“Some of the projects are the efficient and effective management and some poor management to generate much delay and cost overruns” (Frimpong, Oluwoye & Crawford, 2003). A successful project should consider the time, cost and scope. In 1980s, a mass of Turkish public agencies were investigated to recognize the cost overrun resources in public projects. The consequences indicated that floating of exchange rate, material prices increased, estimates errors and technology skills were the most important reasons for expenditure overruns (Arditi, Akan & Gurdamar, 1985). Actually, each project has specific characters which can determine the project time and cost. The critical thinking is showing below.Technique is the importance factors contribute to project cost overrun or delay. “In technical terms, such as imperfect techniques, inadequate data, honest mistakes, inherent problems in predicting the future, lack of experience on the part of forecasters, etc.” (Ascher, 1978; Flyvbjerg; Morris & Hough, 1987; Wachs, 1990, p.286).For a practical example, Noulmanee and other colleagues investigated reasons for why highway construction delays in Thailand. Consequently, main reasons were from inadequacy of sub-contractors, organization that lacks of sufficient resources, incomplete and unclear drawings and deficiencies between consultants and contractors. Furthermore, improper planning could cause the deviation between actual cost and planned cost (Assaf, et al, 2006).moreover, if the equipments quality is low, then this will lead to delay the progress.