
2018-02-25 13:42

The development of language is another major principle that is proposed by Vygotsky' s theory. Althoug didn't address specific implications for instruction of language, he believed that language constitutes the most important sign-using behavior to occur during the cognitive development and this is because it frees children from the constraints of their immediate environment. The language of a certain group of people reflects their own cultural beliefs and value system and children initially associate the words meaning to their contexts and life aspects till they learn to abstract the word from a particular concrete context . This process of decontextualization "must occur with any symbol system if it is to serve higher mental functions such as reasoning". Once again, Vygotsky suggested that symbolic play is important for language learning in young children. He also emphasized the importance of the "private speech" as a self-directed regulation and communication with the self to guide actions and aid in thinking; this is in contrast to Piaget who viewed privative speech as egocentric.Undoubtedly, Piaget and Vygotsky introduced important views and suggestions on the cognitive development in children. Piaget suggested that the children progress through maturation stages and discovery learning with minimal social impact. Vygotsky, from other hand, stressed the importance of the cultural context and language on cognitive development. The following will browse, in general, some implications of the both theories for instructions in different educational settings then more specific for symbolic play in kindergarten.