
2017-08-24 23:21

There are many different approaches that can be employed when collecting data. According to Walliman (2010) data is divided into two categories; qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data is grounded on understanding opinion of others, to describe a problem and develop into an approach. Qualitative depends on cautious description of the meaning of words, the progress of concepts and variables and plotting the relationships between these. Concepts such as People's judgement, feeling of comfort, emotions, ideas, beliefs etc. can only be described in words.  Common data collections used are in-depth interviews, focus groups, literary texts, historical records or observations. Qualitative data rely on human interpretation and evaluation and cannot be objectively measured in a typical way. Checks on consistency and extensiveness of qualitative data can be completed by referring a range of source of data relating to same event, called as triangulation (Walliman, 2010). It is the 'insights rather than statistical perceptions of the world' (Bell, 2005).Quantitative research can be measured more precisely because it comprises some form of extent, usually expressed in numbers. Mathematical procedures can be used to analyse the data (Walliman, 2010) and according to Bell (2005) can be used to 'study the relationship of one set of facts with another'. These can be mostly simple such as amounts or percentages or further sophisticated, such as statistical trials or scientific models. Examples of this type of collection are surveys and questionnaires (Walliman,2010).