格里菲斯代写Essay:Jean Piaget

2018-05-09 17:11

Jean Piaget是瑞士生物学家、哲学家和心理学家,他在发展心理学领域的工作最为著名。像西格蒙德·弗洛伊德和埃里克·埃里克森一样,皮亚杰将认知增长和发展分为固定的阶段。但皮亚杰特别关注的是儿童的智力或认知发展,以及他们的思维在知识中被处理和发展的方式。皮亚杰的中心论点是,儿童(1)发展自我中心的关于环境的理论,关于环境中的物体或人,他们成长;(2)儿童根据自己的个人经历,将这些理论与环境中的人和物进行互动;(3)儿童使用“图式”来掌握和获取有关环境的信息;(4)随着孩子的成长和发展,儿童认知结构的复杂性也随着孩子的“图式”的发展而增加。模式,是孩子的行动和反应的工具袋,开始于一些基本的交互作用,例如抓取和鼠标移动对象,并最终发展到高度复杂的技能,如科学观察。皮亚杰将孩子的发展道路划分为四个阶段,从出生开始,到青少年时期达到顶峰。这些阶段包括:感觉运动阶段(0-2岁)、前操作阶段(2-7岁)、具体操作(7-11岁)和正式手术(11-15岁及以上)。皮亚杰的理论的一个主要原则是,这些阶段不会因顺序而变化,不能被跳过,也不应该被匆忙。
格里菲斯代写Essay:Jean Piaget
Jean Piaget was a Swiss biologist, philosopher, and psychologist best known for his work in the area of developmental psychology. Like Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson, Piaget divided cognitive growth and development into fixed stages. But Piaget's particular focus was on the intellectual or cognitive development of children and on the way in which their mind's processed and progressed in knowledge. Piaget's central thesis was that children (1) develop self-centric theories about their environment, and about objects or persons in that environment, and they grow; and (2) that children base these theories on their own personal experiences interacting with persons and objects in their environment; (3) that the child used "schemas" to master and gain information about the environment; and (4) that the sophistication of a child's cognitive structures increased as the child grew and developed, as did the child's "schemas". Schemas, which are the child's tool bag of actions and responses to make things happen, start with rudimentary interactions such as grabbing and mouthing objects and eventually progress to highly sophisticated skills such as scientific observation. Piaget divided the child's path of development into four stages which began with birth and culminated in the teen years. These stages are: Sensorimotor stage (0-2 yrs), Preoperational stage (2-7 yrs), Concrete operations (7-11 yrs), and Formal operations (from 11-15 and up). A chief tenet of Piaget's theory is that these stages do not vary in order, cannot be skipped, and should not be rushed