
2017-04-06 00:31

而雇佣关系整合的文化在理论上是可行的,它是资本主义和个人主义的文化事实,没有适当的限制,个人可以利用自己的利益或公司利益的人。没有任何“法律约束要求相反”(特里,1999)管理层可以,并且经常忽略员工反馈。因此,工会或任何其他形式的雇员代表不能没有法律制度的支持。有证据表明,在英国雇佣关系系统听取员工的声音是可持续的繁荣时期,但经济的低谷成为化妆品的竞争公司的压力增加。(机,2000)没有法律义务的公司免费”构造地形的员工代表”(海曼,1997)在他们认为合适的,包括放弃表示在一起。尽管“显著增加”替代,员工代表如简报非联盟形式,代表组和解决问题的圈子,这些集团已经几乎完全由管理介绍(福音,2003)和有问题的意义。具有讽刺意味的是,最强大的力量使这些团体无效,作为管理者承认,他们是“影响”。(Findlay Terry,1999)因此,经理人创造了员工代表的替代形式,但也承认,他们没有受到这些群体的影响。这是可能的,因为这个原因-他们的无效-非工会形式的员工代表仍然是少数,被认为主要是微不足道的。
While an integrational culture of employment relations is feasible in theory, it is a fact of capitalist and individualist cultures that, without proper restrictions, individuals will seek to exploit others for their own benefit or company profit. Without any “legally binding requirement to the contrary” (Terry, 1999) management can, and often do ignore employee feedback. Thus unions or any other forms of employee representation cannot function without the support of the legal system. Evidence shows that in the British employment relations system heeding the employee voice is sustainable in boom times, but become cosmetic in economic ‘troughs’ as competitive company pressures increase. (Machin, 2000) Without legal obligation a company is free to “construct the terrain of employee representation” (Hyman, 1997) as they see fit, including abandoning representation all together.Despite the “striking increase” in alternative, non-union forms of employee representation such as briefing groups, representative groups and problem-solving circles, these groups have been introduced almost entirely by management (Gospel, 2003) and are of questionable significance. Ironically, the strongest force rendering these groups ineffective is, as managers acknowledge, they are “uninfluential”. (Findlay in Terry, 1999) Hence managers have created alternative forms of employee representation, but also acknowledge that they are not influenced by such groups. It is possible that for this reason – their ineffectiveness – that non-union forms of employee representation remain a minority, and are perceived largely as insignificant.