Economics Assignment代写:金属市场

2017-01-25 06:55

本报告的目的是介绍我对外汇和金属市场的猜测,在五月的头2个星期,总结我的整体战略和我的经验和教训,从我的整个过程中投机和贸易。我的交易数量是68。 炒作期间,我关注欧元/美元、澳元/美元和AUX /美元。前两个交易是根据央行最近的关键利率决定,看相关信息的力量。后者是利用技术分析工具在日交易的基础上进行交易的。 欧洲中央银行和澳大利亚央行的降息决定对欧元/美元和澳元/美元产生了巨大影响,我几天前买入了这些货币,然后在公告公布后卖出。 的地步,我闭上了我的位置是依赖于利率平价的方法,其中相对降低一国利率将导致该国货币将贬值。 黄金交易是为了获得更高的利润,因为黄金市场具有很大的波动性。在交易的过程中,我主要使用的技术分析,尤其是K线,MA和RSI。和最有用的策略是当马20马50、马150交叉向上或向下,我会买或卖AUX /美元。如果交叉发生在不同的时间帧,利润将更大。否则,如果穿越只发生在1分钟图,我会尽快把利润。 我的总余额是44588.10aud,这是相当令人失望的。最高余额达到57993.70aud之前我坚持辅助的秋天。虽然我的信念终于恢复我的平衡10000,它仍然是一个很好的教训,在动荡的市场中,不要贪心和采用各种限价单和止损工具离开位置隔夜或未观察到的不是一个好主意适当.

Economics Assignment代写:金属市场

The purpose of this report is to give a presentation of my speculation on foreign exchange and metal markets during the first 2 weeks of May, and summarize my overall strategies and my experiences and lessons gained from my whole process of speculation and trading. My number of transactions is 68.
During the speculation period, I focus on EUR/USD, AUD/USD and AUX/USD. The former two are traded based on the recent crucial interest rate decision by the central banks, to see the power of the relevant information. The latter is traded on the base of day trading using the tools of technical analysis.
European central bank and Australian central bank’s decision on interest rate cut had a great influence on EUR/USD and AUD/USD, I bought the currencies several days ago and sold them after then announcement are publicized.
The point where I closed my position was relied on the method of interest parity, where the relative lowering of one country’s interest rate will cause the country’s currency to be devaluated.
The transaction of gold is to gain more profit in order to have a good rank, for gold market boasts its great volatility. In the process of trading, I mainly used technical analysis, especially K lines, MA and RSI. And the most useful strategy is whenthe MA 20 crossed upward or downward MA 50 or MA 150, I would buy or sell AUX/USD. If the crossing happened in various time frames, the profit would be bigger. Otherwise, if the crossing happened only in 1 minute graph, Iwould take profit as soon as possible.
My total remaining balance is 44,588.10AUD, which is quite disappointing. The peak balance reached 57,993.70AUD before I insisted on AUX’s fall. Although my belief finally recovered my balance by 10,000, it is still a good lesson that in a volatile market, do not be greedy and it is proper to adopt various kinds of limit order and stop loss tools for it is not a good idea to leave the position overnight or unobserved