布里斯班代写ESSAY 销售盈利

2016-12-23 12:18


布里斯班代写ESSAY 销售盈利

In addition, when a leadership is confronted with situations characterized by downing sales and profitability, the situation should be assumed as an opportunity. This is due to the fact the true test of leadership skills are when the environmental conditions are not conducive to business and leader within an organization take solid steps that convert environmental threats into opportunities (Michael, 2007). Although this is hard to do than to say, the corporate history is full of such examples and some of these examples have been explored in detail in the above pages. Japan which is known across the globe has been dominating the business world for its quality products and the situations confronted the country after the World War II could be described as a major cause for the behavior of the country to look the implementation of business practice where the emphasize is on quality of produce. Rather than using, short-cuts the country invested in its quality program, and although the decisions were most difficult to take, the country is benefiting from such decision and now "made in Japan" is considered a sign of trust and quality products.