
2017-06-14 23:30

Reading strategies as a part of learning strategies have been become the interests of many researchers for many years. Many types of reading strategies are introduced to guide students of all different levels. For many students, Reading is the most difficult skill to master because they could not make meaning from texts - which is the key goal of Reading - reading comprehension. According to Oxford (1990), Applying appropriate learning strategies help students improve their proficiency and self - confidences. She assumed that students who are well - equipped with the strategies, their comprehensibility can be improved. At HETC, reading has a key place in any English courses when students study English not only as their interest but also their demand for improving their study and promoting in their career to achieve the long - term goals, especially, some of them were assigned to live and work abroad. In their learning process, the students meet great challenges when dealing with the reading texts. Students face lots of difficulties when they read. Reading word by word, translating into Vietnamese, answering the given comprehension questions are students' activities in their while reading activities. When they met unknown - words, they always looked up in the dictionary. It took them lots of time to complete their reading text and comprehend not a very long text. Even when they could understand the meaning of all the words, they seemed not to meet the "right- point" of the answer. Some students had difficulties with making inferences from reading texts. That's why they could not summarize what they have read or find out the best summarize of their reading texts. So what's the main reason of the current situation? The teacher decided the start a survey of the students' reading comprehension strategies use in her previous research. She also had a reading test to classify the students into 4 groups. As indicate in the result of the researcher's previous study, "Reading strategies and reading comprehension abilities of students at HETC", the higher profiency students knew how to help them read better than lower profiency students. And observation also showed that the teaching reading process has focused much on providing students with reading passages, asking them to read (both in silent and a loud) then answer the questions. However, they don't pay enough attention to instruct learners how to read effectively.By reviewing the previous studies and finding out the reading and teaching reality at HETC, the researcher teacher an understand more the important of reading strategy instruction to the reading comprehension and the effect of reading strategy instructions on students' reading comprehension, as well.