
2017-05-01 02:39

Slow learners are no longer rare cases in Malaysia. However, they are not categorized as people with special needs. Some might confuse the slow learners with dyslexia. However, both terms are different. Dyslexic will have difficulties in learning to read and write despite having same learning process and effort with others. For slow learners, they do not do well at schools or task that require extensive reading, writing, and mathematic but they perform great outside class especially in hands-on tasks. They will need extra time in completing the tasks given. Because of their characteristics, slow learners are always left behind as they cannot catch up with the learning process gone through by other kids. Even though new technology has been developed to enhance learning process, they are left out because it is not suited for their learning needs.This project is intend to enhance the English courseware specifically for the slow learners in way that will serve their learning needs which is different from other kids. The courseware will be focus on non-linear techniques to make it flexible and more conducive for the slow learners.As there is not much of courseware developed for slow learners, the product of the project will significantly bring the learning process for the slow learners into new level and brighten the hope for them to learn like normal kids.